{tab title=" Adult onset Still Disease"}


Yellow gender

Gender ratio

1 : 1

Yellow age

Average onset age

16-35 y

Yellow incidence


1/105 - 106

Disease presentation

The disease is characterized by intense systemic inflammation with heterogeneous flare frequency. It is usually diagnosed after the elimination of all other possible causes (infection, autoimmunity, cancer)


Main clinical symptoms

picto feverRepeated hyperthermia for a few hours in the evening

picto Joint painJoint pain/swelling

picto skin rashSkin rash

Biological signs

Yellow upIncrease in white blood cell counts

Yellow upIncrease in ferritin

Yellow downDecrease in glycosylated ferritin


  • Corticosteroids
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Anti-IL-1 (e.g. Anakinra, Canakinumab)
  • Anti-IL-6 (e.g. Tocitizumab)

{tab title=" Juvenile onset idiopathic arthritis"}


Yellow gender

Gender ratio

1 : 1

Yellow age

Average onset age

1-5 y

Yellow incidence



Disease presentation

The disease is characterized by significant extra-articular symptoms and heterogeneous evolution. Some patients will experience no recurrence while other tend to develop polyarticular chronic disease. The diagnosis is based on Edmonton criteria, revised by ILAR.


Main clinical symptoms

picto feverRepeated hyperthermia (once or twice daily)

picto Bone inflamJoint pain/swelling on small or large articulations (maybe delayed and increasing with time)

picto skin rashSkin rash (pink macules)

Biological signs

Yellow upIncrease in ferritin

Yellow downDecrease in glycosylated ferritin


  • Corticosteroids
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Anti-IL-1 (e.g. Anakinra, Canakinumab)
  • Anti-IL-6 (e.g. Tocilizumab)
